

Oct 16, 2010
If you have interesting quotes from IRC or LPW or wherever feel free to post them here. By interesting quotes I mean like funny quotes concerning our members, not like those random love quotes and the likes you find on Twitter.
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Something that happened a bit earlier (Kyuuchan is Iggy (Ignis))

14:26 kyuuchan err yes I mean that, sorry perceived it wrong
14:26 K0u 3D
14:26 Zero2DS its a newtype censor?
14:26 kyuuchan used a mod from HF and it made the penis look like some tube
14:26 kyuuchan nope
14:26 kyuuchan censoring would be done by mosaic or white smudge
14:27 kyuuchan in artificial academy, it seems that you could have gay sex
14:27 kyuuchan IN 3D!
14:27 kyuuchan imagine that
14:27 K0u going to play it? 3D nukige sensei!
14:28 Zero2DS ......................................
14:28 kyuuchan I played it
14:28 K0u kk
14:28 kyuuchan made customised characters according to my liking
14:28 kyuuchan made all the girls bi
14:28 kyuuchan and removed all the male students but one >_>
[12:40] <07@C0C0NA> Too much porn, too little kids. I think Japan has found the cause of their birthrate problems. porn and kids? why cant we have both? i know, lets make loli pron!
[12:40] <07&kyuuchan> DO WANT

5[16:14] * @C0C0NA eats Kou
04[16:16] * +K0u kicks Coco from inside
04[16:17] * &Zero2DS put coco and cocona inside a drum and throw it to the sea
[16:17] <07uggubs> I accidentally woke up and see yaoi vorephilia going on in this channel, nice
08[16:17] * Innocent|Flandre ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:17] <07+AntiClimax> lol
07[16:17] * uggubs goes back to sleep
Last edited:
[01:06] <&Zero2DS> be prepared
[01:07] <&Checkmate|Left> I'll be screwing you before
[01:07] <&Checkmate|Left> Zero
[01:07] <&Zero2DS> come at me
[01:07] <+iankay> lol
[01:07] <+K0u> ...
[01:07] <AntiClimax> o.o

Self explanatory.
[07.03-19:21] <&Checkmate> well, pure and innocent
[07.03-19:21] <&Checkmate> just like how ASS is pure and innocent
[07.03-19:21] <&Ignis-> just like how Checkmate is pure and innocent
[07.03-19:21] <%ONC> lol
[07.03-19:21] <~corocoro> wait, we're becoming a hentai scanlation group now?
[07.03-19:22] <%ONC> eh.. ?
[07.03-19:22] <&Ignis-> actually no
[07.03-19:22] <~corocoro> concentrating on rori tentacle rape, because that's how pure and innocent Checkmate is :p
[07.03-19:22] <&Checkmate> actually yes
[23:52] <&Ignis-> you'll get spanked :3
[23:52] * @Zero2DS nods good idea
[01:59] <&Ignis-> I wouldn't want a threesome with another guy
[01:59] <&Ignis-> I'd rather have threesome with two guys

[03:36] <&Checkmate> very interesting!
[03:36] <&Checkmate> I think I fap to him
Pls enlighten me who is this him.
It's rengeeeee!

[19:49] * &Ignis- noms on Sengoku_Nadeko
[19:49] * Sengoku_Nadeko noms on Ignis-
[19:50] <~Checkmate> #as is featuring yaoi
[19:50] <~Checkmate> main actor: sengoku & Ignis
[04:00] <&Zero2DS> then probably saying "niisan daisuki"
[04:00] <&Zero2DS> or perhaps
[04:00] <&Zero2DS> "watashi no hajimete. . . niisan ni ageru yo~"
[04:01] <~Checkmate> Zero...
[04:01] <~Checkmate> your fantasy with your imouto has exceeded the limit...
[04:01] <&Zero2DS> I didnt get the title of legendary ecchi knight without a proof :)
<&Ignis-> well, I admit I've ever cheated once
<&Ignis-> okay maybe not once
<%Gdragonx> ={ bad iggy
<&Ignis-> but anyway, going with 2 is very risky
<&Ignis-> based on my personal experience, with 3, you can actually act in front of them as if you had nothing special going on
<&Ignis-> you to A = friends; you to B = friends; you to C = friends; but no one amongst them knows what's behind the scene
<&Ignis-> of course, since the feelings won't delve that deep, that'll be even easier to pull your trigger out when you're cornered
<&Ignis-> but eh, what am I saying
<%Gdragonx> who knows..
<&Checkmate> ...........
<%Gdragonx> evil

<%Gdragonx> im meant to be weak =3
<&Ignis-> doens't matter
<&Ignis-> the fact is that you're physically strong
<%Gdragonx> 6?
<&Checkmate> 5
<&Ignis-> so that you'll be able to thrust five girls in one session
<&Ignis-> heck
<%Gdragonx> whats that = =
<&Ignis-> you may end up making them all tired and worn out when you can still keep it going
<&Ignis-> eh...
<&Ignis-> you don't understand? then it;'s good, I suppose (´・ω・`)
<&Checkmate> .......
<&Checkmate> the ultimate pervert
<&Ignis-> well, I admit I've ever cheated once
<&Ignis-> okay maybe not once
<%Gdragonx> ={ bad iggy
<&Ignis-> but anyway, going with 2 is very risky
<&Ignis-> based on my personal experience, with 3, you can actually act in front of them as if you had nothing special going on
<&Ignis-> you to A = friends; you to B = friends; you to C = friends; but no one amongst them knows what's behind the scene
<&Ignis-> of course, since the feelings won't delve that deep, that'll be even easier to pull your trigger out when you're cornered
<&Ignis-> but eh, what am I saying
<%Gdragonx> who knows..
<&Checkmate> ...........
<%Gdragonx> evil

<%Gdragonx> im meant to be weak =3
<&Ignis-> doens't matter
<&Ignis-> the fact is that you're physically strong
<%Gdragonx> 6?
<&Checkmate> 5
<&Ignis-> so that you'll be able to thrust five girls in one session
<&Ignis-> heck
<%Gdragonx> whats that = =
<&Ignis-> you may end up making them all tired and worn out when you can still keep it going
<&Ignis-> eh...
<&Ignis-> you don't understand? then it;'s good, I suppose (´・ω・`)
<&Checkmate> .......
<&Checkmate> the ultimate pervert

Speechless and whyisoronery.jpg
[22:29] * Coolio pokes strayer's ass
[10:04] <&Checkmate> hey
[10:04] <&Checkmate> after all
[10:04] <&Checkmate> it's like in the eroge
[10:04] <&Checkmate> where 2 kids are playing with each other
[10:05] <&Checkmate> then the other boy, make a ring out of some stuff, and give it to the girl
[10:05] <&Checkmate> telling to the girl that from now on they shall be friend forever
[10:05] <&Checkmate> they also play husband and wife too
[10:05] <&Checkmate> ya know
[10:05] <~Ignis-> uh huh
[10:06] <~Ignis-> including exploring each other's body
[10:07] <&Checkmate> same
[10:07] <&Checkmate> they do too
[10:07] <&Checkmate> >.>
[10:07] <&Checkmate> like "hey, I don't have this, what is it"
[10:07] <&Checkmate> boy "ohh? you don't have it? really" *take a look* girls *show it* "really!"
[10:08] <&Checkmate> in her case, she has never played this before
[10:08] <&Checkmate> so I simply teaching her again
[10:08] <&Checkmate> to make up for this
[10:08] <&Checkmate> www
[10:14] <~Ignis-> especially in the age you both have fully grown eh
[10:14] <&Checkmate> yeah
[10:14] <&Checkmate> extra bit
[10:14] <&Checkmate> cream and juice
[10:15] <&Checkmate> everything else
[10:15] <&Checkmate> still the same concept
[10:15] <&Checkmate> :3
[18:36] <@C0C0NA> gel-iankey for dessert!
[18:37] <%ASF|Imouto> [New Music] Fractale Original Soundtrack - http://koe.anime-sharing.com/anime-ost/2056-2056/
[18:39] == myaauuu [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:48] <+iankay> hoho
[18:48] <+iankay> i wouldn't mind it..
[18:48] <+iankay> being it is you
[18:48] <+iankay> *´Д`)ハァハァ
[18:49] <+iankay> hmm
[18:49] <+iankay> (*´Д`)ハァハァ
Was searching for some important logs then found this. Never got around to showing it to the others. Happened a few months ago. Most of the conversation was done in Japanese, but I took the liberty of translating it.

[14:26] * Now talking in #anime-sharing
[14:26] * Topic is 'Come and visit us at http://www.anime-sharing.com'
[14:26] * Set by [email protected] on Fri Feb 04 12:45:12
[14:26] <uggubs|dead> gahhh
[14:26] <%Gdragonx> have no idea what kind of chara nanoha is.. hmn =/
[14:26] <uggubs|dead> !k uggubs
[14:26] <%ONC> なのははなのはだけだ Nanoha is just Nanoha
[14:26] <@Zero2DS> nanonha is a mahou rori....
[14:27] <%ONC> 別のキャーラじゃない Not any other character
[14:27] <uggubs|dead> dang I didn';t get to screenshot what gd said before disconnecting
[14:27] <uggubs|dead> And why is suddenly the topic about Nanoha?
[14:27] <%Gdragonx> じゃ…カオスお兄ちゃん… 何か、 して欲しい事 … あるですか? Then... Chaos Onii-chan... do you want me to do anything?
[14:27] <%Gdragonx> lolx
[14:27] <uggubs|dead> ふえぇ? Wut?
[14:27] * &uggubs ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:27] * uggubs|dead is now known as uggubs
[14:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao uggubs uggubs
[14:28] <&uggubs> カオスお兄ちゃんだれ? Who's Chaos Onii-chan?
[14:28] <%Gdragonx> i better change a nick >< lol
[14:28] <%Gdragonx> ONC
[14:28] <&uggubs> ...
[14:29] <%ONC> ...
[14:39] * Disconnected
[14:40] * Attempting to rejoin channel #anime-sharing
[14:40] * Rejoined channel #anime-sharing
[14:40] * Topic is 'Come and visit us at http://www.anime-sharing.com'
[14:40] * Set by [email protected] on Fri Feb 04 12:45:12
[14:40] <%_Miyuki> お帰りなさい お兄ちゃん… Welcome back, Onii-chan...
[14:40] <%_Miyuki> ご飯、買ってきた? Did you buy dinner?
[14:40] <uggubs|dead> orz
[14:40] <uggubs|dead> ...
[14:40] <uggubs|dead> あんただれ? Who are you?
[14:41] <@Zero2DS> nice respond!!!
[14:41] <%_Miyuki> 美幸だよ美幸 I'm Miyuki, Miyuki
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> 買わなかったよ、 面倒だから I didn't buy it, it's a hassle
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> lol zero
[14:41] <@Zero2DS> *throws iggy to miyuki*
[14:41] <%ONC> Iggy、まずいよ Iggy, this is bad
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> ...
[14:41] <%_Miyuki> 自分の妹すら覚えて ないなんて… 酷い よおにいちゃん You don't remember your own little sister... how cruel, Onii-chan
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> なにこれ... What the heck is this...
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> あれ Wait
[14:41] <%_Miyuki> 何で買って来 なかったよ!!! Why did you not buy dinner!!!
[14:41] <%_Miyuki> 腹減ったよ~ I'm hungry~
[14:41] <uggubs|dead> 人間違えない? Aren't you mistaking me with someone else?
[14:42] <Solistra> http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2011-01-20/oreimo-in-anime-game-siscalypse-offered-in-japan
[14:42] <%_Miyuki> 何言ってるのよ What are you saying?
[14:42] <uggubs|dead> あたし妹なんて いませんわ... I don't have any little sister...
[14:42] <uggubs|dead> @SS saw that already back then :p
[14:42] * uggubs|dead is now known as uggubs
[14:42] <%_Miyuki> ひどーい!! Ebil!!
[14:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao uggubs uggubs
[14:42] <&uggubs> あ、あのねぇ Err
[14:43] <&uggubs> ワタクシは一 人っ子ですのよ I have no siblings
[14:43] <%ONC> その美幸は正真正 銘の人間だ。 That Miyuki is a genuine person.
[14:43] <%_Miyuki> 確かに血が繋がった の兄妹じゃない でけど… We indeed aren't blood-related siblings, but...
[14:43] <%_Miyuki> でもでも But, but
[14:43] <%_Miyuki> うえええええ T.T Waaahhhhhh
[14:43] <%_Miyuki> お兄ちゃん酷いいい Onii-chan, you're so mean
[14:43] <%ONC> ただそのやつは変態だらら He's just perverted
[14:44] <&uggubs> あーあれ W-whoa
[14:44] <%ONC> *たから *correcting typo*
[14:44] <@Zero2DS> iggy good luck...
[14:44] <&uggubs> ちょっとわらうなってばOi, don't laugh
[14:44] * @Zero2DS push iggy to miyuki
[14:44] * &uggubs dekopins zero
[14:44] <&uggubs> 泣くなよ Don't cry
[14:44] * @Zero2DS counter dekopin
[14:44] <%_Miyuki> 喧嘩はめです! Fighting is a no-no!
[14:45] <&uggubs> たぶんあんたの お兄ちゃんは今 寝ている...かも Maybe your Onii-chan is currently sleeping...
[14:45] <%ONC> だから、Iggy...今のは 逃げたほうがいい Listen, Iggy... it's better to run away now
[14:45] <%_Miyuki> お兄ちゃんたら、 すぐ他人の喧嘩 を買うから Onii-chan, it's because you get into a fight with a stranger
[14:45] * &uggubs countercounterdelopins
[14:45] <%_Miyuki> こうなるんだよ I became like this
[14:45] * @Zero2DS counter counter counter dekopin
[14:45] <&uggubs> うっせええええええ ええええええええ えええ Shudduppppppppppppppppppp
[14:45] <%_Miyuki> 傷付いたも知らないよ Don't blame me if you get hurt
[14:45] <@Zero2DS> onc... i suppose we need to screenshot this and post it on ASF....
[14:46] <%_Miyuki> お兄ちゃん… 腹減ったたら!! Onii-chan... I said I'm hungry!!
[14:46] <&uggubs> ね...みゆきと言うやつ Hey... you, the one called Miyuki
[14:46] <&uggubs> 腹減ったなら If you're hungry
14:46] <%_Miyuki> どうしました?お兄ちゃん What is it, Onii-chan?
[14:46] <&uggubs> ご飯そこにあるよ There's food over there
[14:46] * &uggubs looks at zero
[14:46] <%_Miyuki> お兄ちゃんが買って くるじゃないですか?? Onii-chan, you're not gonna buy me food?
[14:46] <&uggubs> いやだ、面倒ですの No way, it's a hassle
[14:47] <%_Miyuki> 酷いよおにいちゃん Onii-chan, you meanie
[14:47] <&uggubs> わたくし、面倒なことを するなんて嫌ですわ I don't wanna do something that requires :effort:
[14:47] * @Zero2DS points at miyuki for iggy
[14:47] <%_Miyuki> 最近のお兄ちゃん は冷たいよ Onii-chan's so cold nowadays
[14:47] <&uggubs> お兄ちゃん じゃありません と言ってたのにねっ I told you I'm not your Onii-chan
[14:47] * &uggubs points at zero
[14:48] <%_Miyuki> 酷いよ… Meanie...
[14:48] <%_Miyuki> ジェロお兄ちゃん、 何とか言って? Zero Onii-chan, say something?
[14:48] <&uggubs> あの人の妹になると、 彼は喜ぶなるかも If you become that person's little sister, he may be happy
[14:48] <%_Miyuki> イッジはあたしのこと 認めないって… Iggy refuses to acknowledge me...
[14:48] <%_Miyuki> あの人って… だれ? That person... whom do you mean?
[14:48] <&uggubs> Zeroのことだよ I mean Zero
[14:48] <&uggubs> イッジってだれ? Who's Iggy?
[14:48] * @Zero2DS is currently invisible
[14:49] <%_Miyuki> あら… あの名前、 気に入らないですか Ah... are you not pleased with that name?
[14:49] <%ONC> このチャーネルは 変な空気がある There's a strange atmosphere on this channel
[14:49] <&uggubs> ワタクシならUggubsと呼ばれてますわ I'm called Uggubs
[14:49] <%_Miyuki> じゃイッギはどう? Then how if I call you Iggie?
[14:49] <%_Miyuki> じゃ… Then...
[14:49] <&uggubs> 勘違いするなんて 許すことはありませんの Mistaking me is something unforgivable
[14:49] <%_Miyuki> ウウお兄ちゃん Uu Onii-chan
[14:49] <&uggubs> @ONC いつでも変だよ @ONC the channel's always weird
[14:49] <%_Miyuki> うん! ウウお兄ちゃん決定 I've decided! I'll call you Uu Onii-chan
[14:49] <&uggubs> ...
[14:50] <%_Miyuki> ねぇねぇウウお兄ちゃん Nee, nee, Uu Onii-chan
[14:50] <&uggubs> やめておいて Stop that
[14:50] <%_Miyuki> 次の日曜、空いてる? Are you free next Sunday?
[14:50] <%ONC> でも今他の時間より 変なすぎ Yeah, but it's weirder than usual now
[14:50] <&uggubs> そうだよONCはうううう Indeed, ONC, hauuuuu
[14:50] <&uggubs> いーやーよ、みゆき N-o-w-a-i, Miyuki
[14:51] <&uggubs> ワタクシは誰 だと思いますの? Who do you think I am?
[14:51] <%ONC> *今のは *correcting typo*
[14:51] <%_Miyuki> なんで!! Why!!
[14:51] <%_Miyuki> なんでなんでなんで なんでなんで Why why why why why
[14:51] <@Zero2DS> hm... this is have become from ore no imouto to ore no otouto
[14:51] <&uggubs> @zero kimoi >_>
[14:51] <&uggubs> ねぇ、みゆき Nee, Miyuki
[14:51] <%_Miyuki> いやジェロ、今は妹 キャラを真似してる けど Nah, Zero, I'm currently behaving like an imouto character
[14:51] <@Zero2DS> ...... you're the syuujinkou iggy :)
[14:51] <%_Miyuki> ==
[14:51] <%ONC> ジェロー...まさか、君も 参加するの? Zero... don't tell me you're taking part in this too?
[14:51] <&uggubs> あんたらしく人と遊ぶ なんて一度も考えられ ありませんわ Playing around with the likes of you is an unthinkable thing
[14:51] <%_Miyuki> はい?ウウお兄ちゃん Yes, Uu Onii-chan?
[14:52] <@Zero2DS> let me make this clear... I only go for BISHOUJO!!!
[14:52] <&uggubs> お兄ちゃんじゃ ・あ・り・ま・せ・ん! I-am-not-your-O-nii-chan!
[14:52] <%_Miyuki> やっぱり、胸はおっき ほうがいいですね… As I thought, it would be better if I had bigger breasts...
[14:52] <%_Miyuki> しょんぼり *being downhearted*
[14:52] <%ONC> ほら、美幸今のは 美少女だろ Come on now, Miyuki, behave like a well-mannered girl
[14:52] <&uggubs>


[14:53] <&uggubs> ..........................
[14:53] <&uggubs> .......
[14:53] <&uggubs> キモマックス orz Too gross orz
[14:53] <%ONC> www
[14:53] <%_Miyuki> どうしました? ウウお兄ちゃん What's wrong, Uu Onii-chan?
[14:53] <%_Miyuki> ああ!虹だ!! Ahh, it's a rainbow!!
[14:54] <%_Miyuki> 見てみて! Lookie, lookie!
[14:54] <%_Miyuki> ほらウウお兄ちゃん、 ボートしないでこっち 来てよ Come on Uu Onii-chan, don't be like that, come over here
[14:54] <&uggubs> いーやー Nuuuuu
[14:54] <&uggubs> あんたこわいわ You're creepy
[14:54] <&uggubs> 怖すぎてきもい >_> So creepy that it's gross >_>
[14:55] <%_Miyuki> ごめん、用事思い出した~ Sorry, just remembered I have something to do
[14:55] <%_Miyuki> 行ってくるね… I'll be going...
[14:55] <%_Miyuki> バイバイ ウウお兄ちゃん Bai bai Uu Onii-chan
[14:55] * _Miyuki is now known as Gdragonx
[14:55] <%Gdragonx> phew =.=
[14:55] <@Zero2DS> ... in these time of peril i really hope checkmate comes....
[14:55] <%Gdragonx> btw away~
[14:55] <@Zero2DS> late lol
[14:56] <%ONC> 帰らないの ほうがいい It's better if you don't come back
[14:56] <%Gdragonx> なに?! What!?
[14:56] <%ONC> まったく Good Lord
[14:56] * Gdragonx is now known as _Miyuki
[14:56] <@Zero2DS> this time i agree with onc...
[14:57] <&uggubs> ...
[14:57] <%_Miyuki> うえええ 嫌われちゃった Hueeeee, he hates me
[14:57] <@Zero2DS> CHECKMATEEEEE
[14:57] <&uggubs> *copy-pastes everything*
[14:57] <@Zero2DS> iggeh post it on teh forum... on the double
[14:57] <%_Miyuki> カオスお兄ちゃん、 あたしが嫌いって Chaos Onii-chan, do you hate me?
[14:57] <%_Miyuki> oh ya, can make it in learning section =]
[14:58] <&uggubs> Give me some time to translate the lines
[14:58] <%_Miyuki> ほらジェロ、アーん してあげるから… じっとしてて Stay still, Zero, I'll give you an aahhhh~...
[14:58] <%ONC> ...妹が二人だけ結構です ...I'm fine with having two little sisters
[14:58] <@Zero2DS> *shivers*
[14:59] <%_Miyuki> 手、怪我付いてるでしょう? Your hand is wounded, see?
[14:59] <%_Miyuki> ほら… See...
[14:59] <%_Miyuki> あーん Aahhh~
[14:59] <@Zero2DS> ............................
[14:59] <@Zero2DS> .... allright time to cure this boredom
[14:59] <&uggubs> ...
[14:59] <%_Miyuki> 何よ、折角あーんして あげるのに What are you doing, even though I went through the trouble to do that to you
[14:59] * Zero2DS is now known as GUROdragonX
[14:59] <@GUROdragonX> TEST
[15:00] <%_Miyuki> ジェロ、行っちゃった… Zero, I came...
[15:00] <%_Miyuki> 残念… Too bad...
[15:00] <&uggubs> ..........................
Miyuki was always awesome. :P
Do you still have the one with Checkmate?
[04:10] <&Ignis-> pff
[04:11] <+iankay> like as if there is a case where ass isn't ass
[04:11] <&Ignis-> we're working on my ass
[04:11] <&Ignis-> when the ass is done, it will be our ass
[04:11] <&Ignis-> and people will be welcome to get in
[04:11] <&Ignis-> that should make sense to whoever involved, hopefully >.>
[04:11] <@C0C0NA> get in our...
[04:11] <@C0C0NA> ass
[04:11] <+iankay> ass
[04:11] <@C0C0NA> I see
[04:12] <+iankay> interesting
[04:12] <@C0C0NA> Lets invite people to get in our ass!
[04:12] <+iankay> mine is fibre proof!
[04:12] <+K0u> time to visit the quotes thread
[04:12] <&Ignis-> ...
[04:12] <+iankay> nothing gets in there
[04:12] <+iankay> only out
[04:13] <&Ignis-> we'll use the ass to distribute juicy stuff
[04:13] <+K0u> ...........................................
[04:13] <&Ignis-> specifically, stuff that Checkmate likes and resembles him
[04:13] <&Ignis-> =D
[04:13] <@C0C0NA> hey yeah, ass stuff, yum

Yaoi must be the in thing. May be they should watch No 6.
[08:40] <&Checkmate> I want to have a taste of
[08:40] <&Checkmate> real shit

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Lulu368 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you upload this otome asmr, please: https://www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ01110786.html
A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

🌟Shine🌟[230713][umyn] 異世界転生マジカルチンポ (Ver1.2) [RJ01044906]
redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
tim30069 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
AsterN20 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Can you reupload [Magi White] エグザミネイター?